Your Warm-up Sucks... Here's what to do

I genuinely believe some of the easiest ways for golfers to gain DISTANCE and play better is to actually warm up.

Before you start shouting about how you don't have time or access to a gym or any of those other reasons...

Just watch this and you'll realize how critically important the warm-up is for performing better.

video preview​

Big thanks to the folks at Rapsodo who helped make this video with Mark happen!


Every Golfer Needs a Launch Monitor. Do you have one?

You'll improve your practice and have more info about your game.

​Rapsodo makes some of the best options.


Mark and I used the MLM2PRO throughout this whole series of videos and it provided great data.

➑️ Check out Rapsodo options​

The cheatsheet πŸ‘‡

Go watch the video with Mark but if you want the step by step process you can download it and screenshot it on your phone here. ​


πŸ‘ What are your eyes doing while you putt?

I was watching Bryson's latest Break 50 video with Phil and picked up on something interesting.

He looks at the putter instead of the ball during the putting stroke.

  • "I don't watch the ball at all. I keep my eyes on the putter head."
    • By watching the putter head, he's trying to make sure it moves straight back and through the stroke.
  • "It's all about keeping the face square and aligned."
    • He believes that focusing on the putter helps him avoid any unnecessary wrist movement or face rotation at impact.
  • "If I’m fixated on the ball, I can lose track of my stroke."
    • Bryson feels that watching the ball can cause subconscious errors in his stroke?!
  • "I imagine a chalk line going through the ball and I guide the putter along it."
    • Visualizing a line helps him maintain control of the putter’s path without needing to look at the ball.
  • "By watching the putter, I don’t manipulate the face, which helps with consistency."
    • His goal is to keep everything square and precise, resulting in more accurate putts.


This makes me take another look at the idea of "quiet eye".

The concept of narrowing your focus and keeping your eyes focused on a small point on the golf ball.

This seems to go directly against that idea.

Curious... What do you think?


Till next time



✍️ Written By: Cordie Walker.
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